Speech & Voice Therapy

Communication is a gift that allows us to connect with other people and give meaning to our lives.

Beginning speech therapy as soon as symptoms develop will often lead to the best results, but it's never too late to start!

Are you having difficulty speaking?
Are people asking you to repeat yourself?
Is your voice softer than it used to be?
Are people telling you that they can’t hear you?
Is your speech not as clear as you would like it to be?
Is it difficult for you to say the words you want to say?
Start speech therapy today! Schedule an appointment or free 10 minute phone consultation.
Schedule appointment

Working with a speech therapist can improve communication by:

  • Identifying the problem.
  • Providing exercises that address the problem.
  • Implementing compensatory strategies.
  • Educating and providing resources to patients and their families.
Speech is a very complex motor task that requires approximately 100 muscles to work in a precise and coordinated process.

Specialized speech trainings:

LSVT LOUD helps patients improve speech intelligibility by targeting normal loudness level while speaking, by focusing on recalibrating perceptions of their volume. Therapy helps patients feel comfortable using a strong voice at normal loudness levels.

Speak OUT
Speak Out helps patients improve intelligibility at all volume levels and in all communication environments, by focusing on converting speech from an automatic task to an intentional task.

Common health issues that can indicate or cause speech & voice problems

  • Stroke
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • ALS
  • Dysarthria
  • Apraxia
  • Vocul Nodules
  • Vocal paralysis or paresis
  • Laryngitis
  • Dysphonia
  • COPD
  • Cancer

"Eva, thank you so much for all your care and help! You gave me so much guidance and patiently answered all of my questions. It helped me tremendously in his (father) care."

"I am gonna miss you so much, I will text you when am home so you can get my number, Eva. I really appreciate you being here for me. God really has been on my side, having you to encourage me, please continue to be the person you are."

"Thanks so much Eva. You are awesome! "

Patient, 2014
Patient, 2011
Patient, 2016
Our thinking
Guide to Preparing for Surgery
Guide To Improving COPD
Guide To Improving Hypertension
Curious to learn more?

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you.

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